statistic citations

Citations (including page numbers) are included for every statistic from the Tiada.Guru campaign. Never let oppressors frame your mindset: frame it yourself, with the facts.

Malaysians need not protect extremely absent teachers a moment longer.

Malaysian School GPN Performance by State (2010 to 2017)


  1. Johor | [backup ]
  2. Kedah | [backup ]
  3. Kelantan | [backup ]
  4. Malaysia | [backup ]
  5. Melaka | [backup ]
  6. Negeri Sembilan | [backup ]
  7. Pahang | [backup ]
  8. Perak's 2010 GPN is not publicly available.
  9. Perlis | [backup ]
  10. Pulau Pinang's 2010 GPN is not publicly available.
  11. Sabah | [backup ]
  12. Sarawak | [backup ]
  13. Selangor | [backup ]
  14. Terengganu | [backup ]
  15. W.P. Kuala Lumpur | [backup ]
  16. W.P. Pulau Labuan's 2010 GPN is not publicly available.
  17. W.P. Putrajaya's 2010 GPN is not public available.

2017 / 2019

  1. All States' and Federal Territories' GPN | [backup ]
  2. Ranking sekolah terbaik SPM 2020 SBP dan MRSM ⤤ | [backup ⤤]

Malaysia's Average Monthly Wages by State (2010 to 2016)

Causes of Disciplinary Action in Malaysia's Ministry of Education (2010 to 2017)

Percent of Malaysian Schools Affected by Teacher Absenteeism & How Much it Hindered Instruction, according to School Principals (2009)

Malaysia & All States' 2019 Household Income Survey & Basic Amenities